OK, I refered to a Quaesitor that Tom was stalking. Why would a Redcap stalk a quaestitor? Why not?
Here is the skinny on that. Tom's companion is a Mercere of the non-magical flavor, but, legally, he is a full member of the order. These so called Redcaps are looked down upon, but since they also run the order's banking and postal systems, they are always given proper respect in public and a magus crosses a redcap at his own risk. So, it's not like they have separate drinking fountains, but they might not be invited to dinner.
In the Defenders of the Forest book (SP) there exists the stats for the order's version of Inspector Clouseau. I forget his name, and really, it's not important. What is important is that as a quaesitor, he is an authority on the Code of Hermes, and should know that the Code forbids using magic to scry on a member of the order. He made the habit of walking around with a mind-reading spell running all the time which he had designed to not work on magi, since they have a form of magic resistance. He conveniently forgot that redcaps are legally the same as magi, even though they have no magic or magic resistance. So it wasn't long before he "accidentally" read the mind of a redcap and violated the code that he was charged with upholding. Stupid bastard.
So he was convicted of a violation of the code and was basically given to the Redcaps to do as they wished, which was a good deal for him since the normal sentence is death.
Anyway, I told that story so I could tell this story. Tom's redcap, whose name I can't remember, declared Wizard's War on the quaesitor. I think he was the redcap that got scryed. He apparantly wasn't satisfied with the jerk being a slave to House Mercere until they got tired of him. Wizard's war is a legal fued that allows you to do whatever you want to another member of the order for one month, including murder. Now the magus, being the superior prick he is, pretty much ignored it, I mean, what magus is afraid of a redcap?
Well, apparantly redcaps know the Code of Hermes better than some Quaesitors. More to come.
Here is the skinny on that. Tom's companion is a Mercere of the non-magical flavor, but, legally, he is a full member of the order. These so called Redcaps are looked down upon, but since they also run the order's banking and postal systems, they are always given proper respect in public and a magus crosses a redcap at his own risk. So, it's not like they have separate drinking fountains, but they might not be invited to dinner.
In the Defenders of the Forest book (SP) there exists the stats for the order's version of Inspector Clouseau. I forget his name, and really, it's not important. What is important is that as a quaesitor, he is an authority on the Code of Hermes, and should know that the Code forbids using magic to scry on a member of the order. He made the habit of walking around with a mind-reading spell running all the time which he had designed to not work on magi, since they have a form of magic resistance. He conveniently forgot that redcaps are legally the same as magi, even though they have no magic or magic resistance. So it wasn't long before he "accidentally" read the mind of a redcap and violated the code that he was charged with upholding. Stupid bastard.
So he was convicted of a violation of the code and was basically given to the Redcaps to do as they wished, which was a good deal for him since the normal sentence is death.
Anyway, I told that story so I could tell this story. Tom's redcap, whose name I can't remember, declared Wizard's War on the quaesitor. I think he was the redcap that got scryed. He apparantly wasn't satisfied with the jerk being a slave to House Mercere until they got tired of him. Wizard's war is a legal fued that allows you to do whatever you want to another member of the order for one month, including murder. Now the magus, being the superior prick he is, pretty much ignored it, I mean, what magus is afraid of a redcap?
Well, apparantly redcaps know the Code of Hermes better than some Quaesitors. More to come.
Anyway, wizard's war last for a month and no magus would fear a redcap. Magi command the very forces of nature and redcaps deliver mail. This decribes what is called asymmetrical warfare.
So the magus figured that the wizard's war was basically an empty threat and did not expect Tom to literally go postal on his ass the next time he had a package delivered.
So? What happened exactly?
OK, a magus, let's call him Dummy, had a Intellego mentem scrying spell active all the time with zero penetration. He "accidentally" read a Redcap's mind, because Redcaps don't have magic resistance. Redcaps are legally full members of the order and are protected against scrying. The Redcap charged him with a crime for this. The tribunal sentenced him to be a redcap servant until they decided they were done with him. The redcap who was scryed decided this wasn't good enough and declared wizwar. Dummy did not take it seriously, since redcaps are less than scary. The redcap used his position as a postman to gain access to Dummy, presumably to give him notice of the end of the wizwar, and when he answered the door, he stabbed Dummy to death with a knife.
Thnk you, I missed the stabbing part. Great idea, and also a worthy lesson to all those who underestimate redcaps
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