An important text delayed.

The covenant has long awaited an important tractatus on Order of Hermes Lore, the third in an important set, but the text is delayed. How will they learn to deal with the Fiery Flambeau's attitude? How will they learn to deal with mundanes if they cannot tell one sushi from another while speaking with a Jarbiton? How will they know which body odor is polite and which is rude without the writings on Ex Miscellanea? The world may never know.

Problem Solved

The Magi are torn between sacrificing the magical properties of the regio in which they live and sacrificing a child that looks disturbingly human. Before they make a decision that may endanger their souls, or at least anger the fae, the problem solves itself.

The maidens are linked to the Regio.

The dark magi who lived in this place before the magi created a race of faerie maidens to be their servants and to satisfy their more carnal desires. The magi find the truth of the arrangement to be troublesome.